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  1. Binary Heap


    Heap is complete, partially ordered binary tree. Complete means every node at a depth of the tree has subtree that each height differs at most by 1. Partially ordered means that the a element stored in the tree is less than or equal only to its ancestors and greater than or equal only to its descendants, or the other way around.

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  2. Queues and Deques


    Like stack, queue is a data structure that have ADT restricted compared with one of list. Queue can perform the operation that append an element at the rear of the queue and remove and return the element at the front. There is a data structure containing queue as a special case and it is called deque (double-ended queue). Deque can perform adding an element at the front of the queue and removing at the rear as well as all operations queue can.

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  3. Stacks and imitating recursion


    Stack is a data structure that can perform a part of the operation that lists can. We can take only the last element appended to the stack. The operation taking out the element is called "pop", and appending the element is called "push". It sounds like there is no use for stacks, however, stacks can perform those operations more efficiently than lists. This is another kind of tradeoff we saw for lists. Analogous to lists, stacks can be implemented as array-based and linked-stack. And the implementations are quite simple.

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  4. Lists


    Note: This is the first post in this blog.

    I will investigate basic data structures and algorithms to understand how they can be implemented and how the implementation affect their performance. The contents is mainly based on Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis (https://people.cs.vt.edu/shaffer/Book/). In the book the implementations are written in Java, however, I will use Scala instead. Also, my own analyses are added to the contennts. Enough talking, let's begin.

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