Stacks and imitating recursion


Stack is a data structure that can perform a part of the operation that lists can. We can take only the last element appended to the stack. The operation taking out the element is called "pop", and appending the element is called "push". It sounds like there is no use for stacks, however, stacks can perform those operations more efficiently than lists. This is another kind of tradeoff we saw for lists. Analogous to lists, stacks can be implemented as array-based and linked-stack. And the implementations are quite simple.

Stack ADT

In [1]:
trait StackADT[E] {
    def clear: Unit
    def push(item: E): Unit
    def pop: E
    def peek: E
    def length: Int
defined trait StackADT

Array-based stack

In [2]:
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

class AStack[E: ClassTag](size: Int = 10) extends StackADT[E] {
    private val maxSize: Int = size
    private var top: Int = 0
    private val listArray: Array[E] = new Array[E](maxSize)
    def clear: Unit = top = 0
    def push(item: E): Unit = {
        assert (top != maxSize)
        listArray(top) = item
        top += 1
    def pop: E = {
        assert (top != 0)
        top -= 1
    def peek: E = {
        assert (top != 0)
        listArray(top - 1)
    def length: Int = top
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

defined class AStack
In [3]:
// the same as Link for linked list
class Link[E](item: Option[E], nextVal: Option[Link[E]]) {
    private var linkElement: Option[E] = item
    private var nextLink: Option[Link[E]] = nextVal
    def next: Option[Link[E]] = nextLink
    def setNext(nextVal: Option[Link[E]]): Unit = nextLink = nextVal
    def element: Option[E] = linkElement
    def setElement(item: Option[E]): Unit = linkElement = item

class LStack[E](size: Int = 0) extends StackADT[E] {
    // ignore the input size which is there for the consistency with AStack
    private var top: Option[Link[E]] = None
    private var stackSize: Int = 0
    def clear: Unit = {
        top = None
        stackSize = 0
    def push(item: E): Unit = {
        top = Some(new Link[E](Some(item), top))
        stackSize += 1
    def pop: E = {
        assert (top.isDefined)
        val item: E = top.get.element.get
        top =
        stackSize -= 1
    def peek: E = {
        assert (top.isDefined)
    def length: Int = stackSize
defined class Link
defined class LStack

Comparison of stack implementations

As mentioned above, stacks are efficient for what they can do. As for time complexity, it is obvious from implementations that they do all the operation in $\Theta(1)$ time. Space complexity is the same as the list for each implementation.

Imitating recursion

Recursive call of functions in a program is managed using a stack. When a subroutine is called, the program push the necessary information onto the stack, and when it returns, the information is popped from the stack. Therefore, we can replace the recursion with a iteration with stack. As an example, I will show an implementation of the algorithm to solve Tower of Hanoi problem with iteration and stack.

Tower of Hanoi

In [4]:
object Operation extends Enumeration {
    type Operation = Value
    val CALL, MOVE = Value
import Operation._

case class TOH(operation: Operation, size: Int, start: Int, goal: Int, temp: Int) {
    def this(size: Int, start: Int, goal: Int, temp: Int) = this(CALL, size, start, goal, temp)
    def this(size: Int, start: Int, goal: Int) = this(MOVE, size, start, goal, -1)
    def move() = println(s"Move ring $size from pole $start to pole $goal")

def solveTOH(height: Int): Unit = {
    val stack = new AStack[TOH](2 * height + 1)
    stack.push(new TOH(height, 1, 2, 3))
    while(stack.length > 0) {
        val item: TOH = stack.pop
        item.operation match {
            case MOVE => item.move
            case CALL if item.size > 0 => {
                stack.push(new TOH(item.size - 1, item.temp, item.goal, item.start))
                stack.push(new TOH(item.size, item.start, item.goal))
                stack.push(new TOH(item.size - 1, item.start, item.temp, item.goal))
            case _ =>

Move ring 1 from pole 1 to pole 2
Move ring 2 from pole 1 to pole 3
Move ring 1 from pole 2 to pole 3
Move ring 3 from pole 1 to pole 2
Move ring 1 from pole 3 to pole 1
Move ring 2 from pole 3 to pole 2
Move ring 1 from pole 1 to pole 2
defined object Operation
import Operation._

defined class TOH
defined function solveTOH