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  1. ABC015C

    I solved the problem with DFS using recursion, stack and stack with pruning.

    Main part

        import java.util.Scanner;
        import java.util.Stack;
        public class ABC015C {
            static int n, k;
            static int[][] field;
            static boolean[][] visited;
            public static void main(String args[]) {
                Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
                n = sc …
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  2. ABC095D

    To solve this problem and get full score, O(N) algorithm is needed. Naive solution takes O(N^3) time, however, by calculating information that is independent from the variable we loop through, we get O(N^2) and O(N) algorithms.


        public class ABC095D {
            int n …
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  3. Graph Representations


    A graph G consists of a set of the nonnegative number of vertices and a set of the nonnegative number of edges that connect two distinct vertices. It provides the ultimate flexibility to represent structure of data.

    In this article, I will show two ways to how to represent a graph on a computer.

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  4. Binary Heap


    Heap is complete, partially ordered binary tree. Complete means every node at a depth of the tree has subtree that each height differs at most by 1. Partially ordered means that the a element stored in the tree is less than or equal only to its ancestors and greater than or equal only to its descendants, or the other way around.

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  5. Partition-Based Sorting

    Sorting based on partition of an array

    Sorting algorithms more efficient than the one by transpositions exploit the divide and conquer principle.


    Shellsort utilizes the near best cases behaviour of insertion sort. It partition the array and then sort the subarray using insertion sort. Then it make subarrays with smaller gap, meaning fewer and longer subarray.

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